Friday, May 1, 2009

Winter 04-05 AD

Moves kind of fell apart today. We'll do the next set on Monday.


  1. Carthage:
    F Gulf of Tacape - Ausonian Sea
    F Thapses - Gulf of Tacape
    F Carthage - Punic Sea
    A Bayuda - Thebes
    A Memphis s A Bayuda - Thebes
    A Cyrene - Alexandria BOUNCE
    F Libyan Sea s A Cyrene - Alexandria CUT
    A Marmarica - Bayuda
    F Gulf of Syrtis - Cyrene BOUNCE
    A Gaul s Rhaetia

    A Rhaetia s Venetia
    A Venetia s Dalmatia
    A Dalmatia s Epirus
    F Epirus s F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea CUT; DISLODGED
    F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
    F Messenian Sea F Fleet Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea

    A Vindobona H
    A Illyria s A Vindobona H
    F Sparta H
    F Athens - Epirus
    A Macedonia s F Athens - Epirus
    F Miletus - Byzantium

    F Aegean assumed hold
    F Crete assumed hold
    A Petra assumed hold; DESTROYED

    A Sarmatia support A Vindobona
    A Galatia - Byzantium
    F Cilician Strait - Minoan Sea
    F Thebes - Alexandria
    F Egyptian Sea - Libyan Sea BOUNCE
    F Gulf of Pelusium s F Thebes - Alexandria
    A Sinai s A Nabatea - Petra
    A Nabatea - Petra
    F Jerusalem H

  2. Just for the record: there was an error in this resolution. Thanks to the support of the army in Dalmatia, the Roman fleet in Epirus was not dislodged, and the fleet in Athens was unable to move.
