Thursday, April 30, 2009
Fall 04 AD

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
News From the Roman Front

Spring 04 AD
Horemheb comes down with Swine Flu!

A Translation of the Quotes Below
"We shall take Egypt and grow strong on its spoils. Once Egypt falls we shall move onto Persian land, and create a vast empire the likes of which this world has never seen. The Persian is dirty and enjoys spreading lies and heresy."
The second quote, from Paul Cato the elder reads as follows:
"I love Carthage, may it prosper and live free."
Carthage shall defeat this scum of Persia.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Roman Army Pushes On Despite Fierce Fighting on Northern Front

Fall 03 AD
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The War on Egypt Continues!

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Egypt Shall Fall!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Winter 01-02 AD
Friday, April 17, 2009
Rome Shall Fight
If Rome is to burn, so be it. Let the flames be fueled by the blood of thousands of Greeks and Carthaginians. Do you think the mighty Roman Legions, the most skilled, disciplined infantry in the world, will just let you walk into our lands and take our money and (more importantly) our women!? We scoff at the notion. Not only will we crush your armies and enslave your generals, we will go to your homelands and dismantle your temples, exterminate your populace, enslave your children, salt your fields (a second time for Carthage), and erase your names from the annals of history. We are the greatest military power in the world.
Today, we go to war.
The Emperor Protects
Rome shall burn!
Herodotus 1.71
Meanwhile Crœsus, mistaking the meaning of the oracle, was making a march into Cappadokia, expecting to overthrow Cyrus and the power of the Persians: and while Crœsus was preparing to march against the Persians, one of the Lydians, who even before this time was thought to be a wise man but in consequence of this opinion got a very great name for wisdom among the Lydians, had advised Crœsus as follows (the name of the man was Sandanis):—“O king, thou art preparing to march against men who wear breeches of leather, and the rest of their clothing is of leather also; and they eat food not such as they desire but such as they can obtain, dwelling in a land which is rugged; and moreover they make no use of wine but drink water; and no figs have they for dessert, nor any other good thing. On the one hand, if thou shalt overcome them, what wilt thou take away from them, seeing they have nothing? and on the other hand, if thou shalt be overcome, consider how many good things thou wilt lose; for once having tasted our good things, they will cling to them fast and it will not be possible to drive them away. I for my own part feel gratitude to the gods that they do not put it into the minds of the Persians to march against the Lydians.” Thus he spoke not persuading Crœsus: for it is true indeed that the Persians before they subdued the Lydians had no luxury nor any good thing.