Monday, April 20, 2009

Winter 01-02 AD

Robbie (Wheeler) brought up a good point. We should have move deadlines, I suggest everyday by 3:00. If you don't put in moves, then you don't get moves. So the next moves are tomorrow by 3:00.


  1. Carthage:
    A Numidia - Leptis BOUNCE
    F Thapses - Gulf of Tacape
    A Circa - Phazania
    A Carthage - Circa
    F Sardinia - Berber
    A Saguntum hold

    F Ravenna - Adriatic Sea BOUNCE
    A Vindobona hold
    F Roma - Etruria
    A Neapolis hold
    F Sicilia - Ausonian Sea

    A Dalmatia - Vindobona BOUNCE
    F Ionian Sea - Adriatic Sea BOUNCE
    A Macedonia - Dalmatia BOUNCE
    F Athens - Aegean
    A Byzantium - Miletus

    A Cyrene - Leptis
    F Alexandria - Libyan Sea
    A Memphis - Marmarica
    A Thebes - Bayuda
    F Crete - Messenian Sea
    A Petra hold (assumed)

    A Jerusalem - Sinai
    F Sidon - Tyre
    A Damascus - Armenia
    A Sinope hold
    F Cilician Strait - Egyptian Sea

  2. I'm sorry; I made an error. Macedonia - Dalmatia wasn't a bounce, it was impossible and failed therefore.
