Caption: Secret Agent Mayne...
Roman agents have discovered a recent troop buildup on the eastern border of Vindobona. Although the matter of dealing with the armies surrounding the province will be easy enough, that is not what should worry those reading this warning. These very same agents (after a good deal of poking around) uncovered an alliance between
Greece and the Persian Empire. While the mighty Roman Legions will fight and die to the last man, we still fear, my friends, that if such an alliance would come to pass, the whole world itself would be shaken to the core. The Roman Emeror himself calls upon the remaining free nations of the world to band together and purge these inbred, barbaric, uncouth foes from the face of the Earth. With the mighty armies of Rome and the fleets of Carthage and Egypt, such a foe could not withstand such a heavy (sword / axe / spear) wielding hand.
In other news, after years of fierce naval fighting, Roman fleets finally take the Ionian Sea.

Caption: The Greek Navy licks its wounds at harbor. Oh noes!
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