Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring 02 AD


  1. Egypt is screwed IMO. Koby, back off Greece and Rome and defend yourself, you're over expanding way too fast.

  2. Carthage:
    A Numidia - Leptis
    A Phazania s A Numidia - Leptis
    F Gulf of Tacape S A Numidia - Leptis
    A Circa - Sahara
    A Saguntum - Baleares
    F Berber Sea convoy A Saguntum - Beleares

    A Vindobona hold
    F Etruria - Massilia
    F Ausonian Sea - Ionian Sea BOUNCE
    A Neapolis hold
    F Ravenna - Adriatic

    F Messenian Sea - Sparta BOUNCE
    A Cyrene - Alexandria BOUNCE
    A Bayuda - Thebes
    A Marmarica - Cyrene BOUNCE
    F Libyan Sea - Crete BOUNCE
    A Petra assumed hold

    A Miletus hold
    A Dalmatia hold
    A Macedonia - Illyria
    F Aegean Sea - Crete BOUNCE
    F Ionian Sea - Sparta BOUNCE

    A Armenia - Chersonesus
    A Sinope - Galatia
    F Tyre hold
    A Sinai - Petra BOUNCE
    F Egyptian Sea - Alexandria BOUNCE

  3. Builds:

    Rome +1
    Carthage +2
    Persia +2

    If we get these build orders in tonight, we can play spring 03 tomorrow. I propose leaving build orders as comments to the winter 02/03 map, once it gets posted. We lose secrecy that way, but I don't think it's a big factor this year. (In other years it might be.)

  4. Sorry, I forgot a build: Greece +1
